Simplify Contracts and Confidently Negotiate Your Worth


The ever-evolving online landscape can be overwhelming — but contracts don't have to be! Let's simplify contracts so that your business and intellectual property are always protected. No matter how the industry, the law, or your business changes. 

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Simplify Contracts and Confidently Negotiate Your Worth

Listen to the Podcast

Nice to meet you!

Hi! I’m Casey, Contract & IP Lawyer for digital creators and entrepreneurs. I help creators protect their legacy and secure the bag. 

And in case you're wondering... yes, I'm a real lawyer!
Learn more about me

The internet is a bit of the wild-wild west, but here's what I know...

With the right tools, you can confidently negotiate your worth and legally protect your online business and brand.


Start protecting your intellectual property and online business with these resources

DIY Legal Resources

Lawyer-drafted contract templates

Shop our entire collection of contract templates designed for online businesses at Boss Contract Society.

The Contract Collective™

Become a member and gain access to must-have contract templates, on demand workshops, plug-n-play legal clause banks, negotiation playbooks, weekly Q&A, and MORE! Join the waitlist.

The Contract Playbook™ Podcast

Your on-the-go resource for tackling contracts in your online creator business. Listen to the latest episode.

Looking for custom support?

I got you.

Over the past nine years, I've served as legal counsel to multi-6 and 7-figure online creators and entrepreneurs. I've made it my mission to help clients maintain ownership of their intellectual property, protect it, and leverage it to build a lasting legacy.  

Visit my Law-Firm for Custom Services

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